Pray4Gordon! Hayward sa po zranení dočkal výraznej podpory

22. 10. 2017, 12:00 » Novinky - Autor: Ondrej Herceg

Prebiehala prvá štvrtina dlho očakávaného zápasu, ktorého aktérmi bol domáci Cleveland a nabudení hostia z Bostonu. V ich drese sa predstavila aj letná posila Gordon Hayward, ale majstrovské ambície utrpeli vážnu trhlinu. Keď si naskakoval na prihrávku vzduchom od Kyrieho Irvinga, nešťastne spadol a pohľad na jeho ľavú nohu bol veľmi bolestivý.

Vyšetrenia odhalili zlomeninu ľavej holennej kosti a vykĺbený ľavý členok. Aréna stíchla, zápas sa nedohrával v takej atmosfére, aká sa očakávala. Hviezda Celtics už absolvovala operáciu a niektoré prognózy síce hovoria o piatich mesiacoch absencie, ale pravdepodobnejší variant je ten, že Haywarda už v tomto ročníku na ihrisku neuvidíme. Tento scenár očakáva aj jeho agent Mark Bartelstein. Hayward okamžite dostal nádhernú podporu od zvyšku ligy, tie najlepšie tweety vám prinášame.

🙏🏽🙏🏽 For @gordonhayward. Come back stronger!

— Stephen Curry (@StephenCurry30) 18. októbra 2017

Prayers out to @gordonhayward !

— andrew wiggins (@22wiggins) 18. októbra 2017

Prayers up @gordonhayward !!

— John Wall (@JohnWall) 18. októbra 2017

Prayers out @gordonhayward 🙏🏼 tough to see you go down! You’ll be back better than ever!

— Andre Drummond (@AndreDrummond) 18. októbra 2017

Isaiah Thomas, who recruited Hayward to Boston over summer, has also been with him in locker room.

— Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN) 18. októbra 2017

LeBron James just went into Cavs locker room where Gordon Hayward is receiving medical attention

— Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN) 18. októbra 2017

Prayers to my brother @gordonhayward 🙏

— Enes Kanter (@Enes_Kanter) 18. októbra 2017

Tough to see. Prayers up @Gordonhayward

— Jerian Grant (@JerianGrant) 18. októbra 2017

Hope Gordon Hayward has a quick recovery 🙏🏾

— Jamal Murray (@BeMore27) 18. októbra 2017

Wow smh prayers up to @gordonhayward may God give you strength during this time.

— Victor Oladipo (@VicOladipo) 18. októbra 2017

Hate to see this happen to anyone! Prayers to Gordon Hayward 🙏🏾🙏🏾

— Mike Conley (@mconley11) 18. októbra 2017

Man, nothing but prayers to Gordon Hayward!

— DeMar DeRozan (@DeMar_DeRozan) 18. októbra 2017

I don't care what team you're on man times like this we come together that's unbelievable

— Myl3s Turn3r (@Original_Turner) 18. októbra 2017

Heart goes out to @gordonhayward 🙏🏾 Hate to see injuries like that....prayers up for a full recovery

— Harrison Barnes (@hbarnes) 18. októbra 2017

Lord , Carry Him Now 🙏🏾@gordonhayward

— Dwight Howard (@DwightHoward) 18. októbra 2017

Praying for my guy @gordonhayward!!! NEVER want to see any of the guys go through anything like that.

— DeAndre Jordan (@DeAndre) 18. októbra 2017

Prayers up for @gordonhayward and his family. Much Love and support. It’s about more then basketball. #brotherhood

— Brandon Knight (@Goodknight11) 18. októbra 2017

A na záver to najlepšie, v hlavnej úlohe Mr. Kobe Bryant, ktorý si počas kariéry prešiel všelijakými zraneniami, ale zakaždým bojoval zo všetkých síl, aby sa dostal späť na predošlú úroveň.

Be sad. Be mad. Be frustrated. Scream. Cry. Sulk. When you wake up you will think it was just a nightmare only to realize it’s all too real. You will be angry and wish for the day back, the game back THAT play back. But reality gives nothing back and nor should you. Time to move on and focus on doing everything in your power to prepare for surgery, ask all the questions to be sure you understand fully the procedure so that you may visualize it in your subconscious while being operated on and better the chance of it’s success. Then focus on the recovery process day by day by day. It’s a long journey but if you focus on the mini milestones along the way you will find beauty in the struggle of doing simple things that prior to this injury were taken for granted. This will also mean that when you return you will have a new perspective. You will be so appreciative of being able to stand, walk, run that you will train harder than you ever have. You see the belief within you grow with each mini milestone and you will come back a better player for it. Best of luck to you on this journey my brother #mambamentality always.

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